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iPhone 4S

iPhone 4SiPhone 4S
  1. Apple sells 4 million iPhone 4S models in three days


  2. It is also 20 percent lighter than the iPhone 4S .


  3. But , in my tests , the iPhone 4S performed very well .


  4. Today , 87 percent of iPhone 4S owners say they use Siri each month .


  5. The introduction of the iPhone 4S marks the introduction of IOS 5 as well .


  6. And after the release of the iPhone 4S , that market share began to erode .


  7. That record is still held by the iPhone 4S , which sold 4 million units in 3 days .


  8. Apple 's gain in the quarter might be driven by the introduction of new model iPhone 4S , some analysts said .


  9. iOS 8 will be available for the iPhone 4S and above this fall .


  10. A companion mobile app will run on IOS devices , including the iPhone 4S and above .


  11. Things have come a long way since the reseller riots at the launch of the iPhone 4S in Beijing .


  12. Almost a year ago , Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook introduced the iPhone 4S to a lukewarm reception .


  13. He offered Apple 's executives advice on unveiling the iPhone 4S , which occurred on Tuesday .


  14. Apple has even been sued for the slow performance in iOS 9 when it is used on an iPhone 4s .


  15. In October of last year , when the iPhone 4S first became widely available , overall retail sales that month significantly outperformed expectations .


  16. Despite Siri , the iPhone 4S isn 't a dramatic game-changer like some previous iPhones .


  17. Apple Inc. said on Monday it sold 4 million iPhone 4S models in the three days since it went on sale Oct. 14 .


  18. • A6 dual-core processor is 2x faster iPhone 4S


  19. There have been no reports of severe overheating issues with the iPhone 4S or any other products in Apple ` s current lineup .


  20. But the device setting those records is itself likely to be just an incremental upgrade over its predecessor , the iPhone 4S .


  21. When Apple began taking pre-orders the iPhone 4S in Hong Kong last month , they sold out in 10 minutes ( see here ) .


  22. • the 16g iPhone 4S falls to $ 99 , the 8g iPhone 4 is free on contract


  23. That 's likely an allusion to the probability that the device , which follows the iPhone 4S , will be called the iPhone 5 .


  24. And at the iPhone 4S announcement earlier this week , cook gave ample time to Schiller , Forstall and cue .


  25. ( the iPhone 4S and a " new , " third-generation iPad hardly constitute putting a dent in the universe . )


  26. Three days later , Apple announced that it had sold a record 2 million iPhones in 24 hours , double the record set one year earlier by the iPhone 4S .


  27. On Oct. 4 , 2011 Apple Inc. unveiled its long-awaited new iPhone 4S , just one day before the death of its co-founder Steve Jobs .


  28. The woman goes on to say that when she asked Apple to be upgraded to a replacement iPhone 4S , the company furnished her with another iPhone 4 .


  29. Apple announced that it sold 4 million units of the iPhone 4S in the first three days it was available , thus setting up a high bogey for itself to beat .


  30. In January , the company briefly stopped selling its new iPhone 4S at its China Apple Stores after unruly customers led police to seal off part of the mall at the location .
